What’s your all-time favorite children’s book?
Mine? The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson.
The Best Author Visit Ever in 2002
How thrilled I was in 2002 when author Barbara Robinson visited my Kindergarten/1st grade classroom. Giddy with excitement, I scribbled pages of notes as she shared with my young readers and writers.
Transfixed by her talk, I could hardly monitor my children. But there was no misbehavior to worry about during her visit. Her talk mesmerized us all.
Barbara spoke of her books and her life as a writer. She had published The Best Christmas Pageant Ever 30 years earlier in 1972. (It’s now been 52 years since this book was published!) These six rambunctious siblings took over show-and-tells, neighborhood snow play, and eventually the church’s traditional Christmas pageant. They turned it upside-down and pushed the whole town to think a bit differently about the whole Christmas story.
Since I had read her book to my students in preparation for her visit, she intrigued us with even more antics of the Herdman kids. My children’s eyes grew and their mouths gaped. We laughed uproariously at how naughty those Herdmans were.
She shared a bit about her other books as well. She published the sequel, The Best School Year Ever (1994) and another book, My Brother Louis Measures Worms And Other Louis Stories (1988.) She would subsequently write The Best Halloween Ever several years later.
The Best Author Idea Ever
After she finished answering our last questions and prepared to leave, I had an idea. “Mrs. Robinson, would you please take a photo with us all?” She warmly agreed.
Imagine lining 22 squirmy kids in three rows in the middle of our double-wide trailer classroom. I wanted to just slip that engaging lady in the middle once we were all set. But of course, each child wanted to stand next to her! Like pinballs in a machine, the children bumped and wobbled into each other. When I called, “Say Cheese,” some looked everywhere except the camera. One little guy might have fallen over.
Yet she took all our antics in stride. I grimaced, laughed awkwardly, and apologized. “I am so sorry.”
But Barbara Robinson? She just laughed.
“I wonder how the Herdmans would have handled this! Hey, I just got a great idea for another book.”
Ah, such a lovely soul! Even back then, I was drawn to this incredible woman and felt the call to write for children myself.
One day.
Jump ahead 21 years to November 2023…
A life-long dream came true. Remember how 2023 was my “Year of Yes” where I participated in amazing conferences and miraculously gained a literary agent? Obviously, when I had the chance to spend a day of training with renown Jerry Jenkins, I jumped at the opportunity.
I had just signed a contract with my agent. Surprisingly, Blythe was scheduled to speak as an agent for Jerry’s guests that day as well. Only God could have orchestrated all these pieces.
I sat on the front row, furiously taking notes (as always.) Jerry spoke with such wisdom and passion about his mission. I could hardly keep up!
Mid-morning, Jerry told us he wanted to share a video his son and daughter-in-law had just sent. Jerry’s son, Dallas Jenkins happens to be THE Dallas Jenkins, the director of The Chosen movie series.
And there he was with his lovely wife, Amanda. And she was holding a tattered copy of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
On such a surreal day, you can imagine my wonder about why that precious book was there. In the 14-minute video, they told how they had loved the book from their childhoods and began reading it to their small children at bedtime. From the beginning chapter, they brushed tears away. By the end, they boo-hooed. They both declared if they ever had the opportunity to remake that movie, they would.
But, the rights were owned by someone else. Someone who wasn’t willing to open them up. Dallas and Amanda committed it to prayer. Dallas even put a reminder on his phone. “Pray for pageant.”
Week after week, “pray for pageant.”
Year after year, “pray for pageant.”
They continued to research the rights as time passed and continued requesting to purchase. The answer was always “No.”
Still weekly, “pray for pageant,” reminding him of his dream.
Just as he was about to give up, everything changed. It might have taken 15 y-e-a-r-s for Dallas Jenkins to eventually get the rights. But he did.
When I saw how they, too, adored this book—and how they had prayed for the rights to it for 15 years, I shook my head. Hearing that they had begun filming the movie in Canada, my eyes filled!
Seeing their hope-filled video impressed much upon me. This was no coincidence. God truly works things out for His people.
The Best Conversation-Starter Ever
And now thankfully, I had a remarkable conversation-starter to share with Jerry Jenkins. During lunch, I approached him, “Jerry, it’s such a gift to be here. I’d love to tell you about the day Barbara Robinson taught my students about being a writer and her book, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever…”
The Best Christmas Movie Ever
And today? It’s 53 weeks later. In my small Southern town, I’m standing outside a little theater with the marquee blaring, “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.”
I typically don’t care for movies made from books. But, y’all, it is the best. The few scenes the script-writers added simply enhanced the spirit of the story. You truly experience the Christmas story through the eyes of children—both the narrator and Imogene Herdman, the toughest girl of all. And the postlude before the credits? Priceless!
You’ve probably seen a trailer of it on social media. (I found lots of great ones on their Facebook “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Movie” page.) But the movie’s even better. And if you haven’t read the book yet, I promise you’ll love it. No matter how old you are.
I know Barbara Robinson must be smiling from Heaven.
Dallas, Amanda, and all the Jenkins’ family are beside themselves with gratitude.
And I couldn’t be more thrilled to share this unforgettable Christmas classic with my precious grandson and his parents this weekend.
(I just discovered Dallas & Amanda Jenkins’ recap from November 8th posted on Facebook. They said Marji, Barbara Robinson’s daughter, loved the movie. Her mother would have loved the few scenes they added. She also said she knew her mom was cheering from Heaven.)
This unforgettable story has meandered in and out of my life as long as I can remember. Seeing how it touched my dream of writing for children myself through gifted author, Barbara Robinson … and meeting Jerry Jenkins … and hearing the story of his son and daughter-in-law … and seeing it come to life all year … and now getting to experience it with my grandchild? An amazing adventure! It just might be the Best Day Ever.
Do yourself a favor—check it out and spread the word. We want more childhood favorites turned into wholesome movies for our children and grandchildren. Maybe those stories will impact them for the rest of their lives, too.
The Best!
Thank you so much! I am grateful for all the “best” things in my life!
Can’t wait to drag AnnMarie to see it!
Aw. You won’t be dragging her! She’ll love it! (I think I might have already given her a copy of the book, too. So, you guys can read it together before you go. )
How wonderful!
Thank you so much, Laura! It’s been a marvelous ride!
This is an amazing story of things coming around “Full-Circle” in so many ways. It’s the “15 years” of waiting that blesses me right now. God’s timing is always perfect!
That incredible book has always just landed in my life – and I’m so grateful for it! And seeing their devotion of praying for so many years? Inspiring! God’s timing is the best.
(And if you want to head back out to the movies, I’m your girl! I’m totally up for seeing this incredible movie again!)
Wow! This really was a full-circle-kind-of -moment for you. You have sooo many connections to the story.
We took our grandchildren to see it last week… Filled up a whole row in the theater. We all loved it!
Totally agreed!
I’m just hoping the story is as special to others! It sounds like you all love it. How wonderful to fill up a row at the movies! I bet your grands had the best time!