You never say "Yes" to anything.
Ever heard of Grey’s Anatomy? Shonda Rhimes is its critically-acclaimed and award-winning creator and executive producer. Although I’m not a television enthusiast, I was struck by the premise in her secular 2015 book, Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person.
Rhimes’ experiment began with her big sister’s mumbled complaint, “You never say yes to anything.” During the following weeks as she worked and cared for her daughters, Rhimes mulled these words. Eventually, she decided to “Say Yes to everything for a year.”
Rhimes revealed that saying Yes changed, even saved, her life. She challenged others to begin saying that little word, too.
What About Me?
A year ago, I saw my 60th birthday looming in the distance. At this point, my husband and I had lost our parents. We’d both retired, sold our dream home, and downsized to a quaint town. The highlight of each month was attending my Word Weavers monthly critique meeting.
Sixty years old.
I s-t-r-u-g-g-l-e-d with what God really wanted from me. Did my writing matter? After all these years I had spent teaching and writing, what did I have to show for it? Could my writing lead children and families to Jesus? How? Often, I considered Psalm 90:16-17.
Yes > No
God revealed to me my “No” life was over. I needed to say, “Yes!” I needed to be faithful to God’s calls on my heart and reply positively.
So, I (quietly) announced to my husband and grown children that I was going to say “Yes!” to whatever opportunities God thrust upon me.
Within days, my writing partner chatted happily about a masterclass she had registered for. I listened, smiling. The last thing this introvert wanted was to focus on hooks, pitches, and query letters. Then, it hit me. My promise to God. Did He really mean for me to take this class?
Sighing, I asked Laura what benefits the class would offer (other than the dynamic content, of course.) She messaged Write2Ignite. They immediately replied. We could directly query the acquisition professionals who spoke.
My First Yes
Yes, I signed up. And lo and behold, the course teacher, Kim Peterson, offered personal feedback on queries as well.
Kim opened my eyes to things I never noticed before. I savored the day-long experience. Her examples of queries and quotes inspired me. I ended up watching the recordings twice more and took extensive notes.
Yes After Yes
That first hesitant Yes led to such interesting places:
- Yes to sending my first query to Kim.
- Yes to forwarding my newly-revised query to acquisition professionals.
- Yes to joining a Write2Ignite virtual critique group. (Who I adore!)
- Yes to potentially writing for the Write2Ignite blog team.
Each Yes directed my next step. God opened door after door in response to my initial soul-searching questions. It wasn’t easy. Excuses crept in. But, I leaned on God—soaking in Bible study and worship music, praying often, and reflecting on His purpose for my writing.
Outside my experiences with Write2Ignite, more Yes answers followed—to join a women’s Bible study, serve on the leadership team at Word Weavers, and register for a writers conference. Each step built my confidence and bolstered my resolve.
Writing Conference Questions
With the writing conference, another question arose. Would I like to pay for mentoring sessions before the conference? As a retiree and child of Depression-era parents, I hesitated. But my husband helped me realize that at this conference, I would be in contact with more industry professionals than ever. If I spent money on anything, it would be well-spent on building direct relationships with agents, editors, and publishers. So, I requested several mentors.
Each mentor sought different things, guiding my preparations. Could I answer questions about my goals? Meet on Zoom to share pitches? Send queries, manuscripts, and one-sheets? Yes, yes, and yes.
Yes in 2023
The conference, critiques, and that significant birthday have come and gone. I watched God open door after door as I replied Yes again and again. But it all began with that first Write2Ignite class.
Yes in 2024
Thankfully, I don’t wonder about my purpose anymore. With direction and confidence, I watch God move in my life. I’m excited for the path He reveals as I continue saying Yes throughout 2024. Like the psalmist, I seek, “Yes, Lord, confirm the work of my hands.”
Won’t you join me in this Year of Yes—or even a season of Yes?
What will you say Yes to?